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  • IDVI :: Download Source Code
    IDVI is a tool which allows you to present documents on the web, formatted exactly as they are formated by TeX. IDVI operates on dvi files, and is completely independent of the macro package used. IDVI lets the reader see the original fonts and layout of your document, without requiring that they have a local TeX installation, a postscript interpreter, or anything other than their web browser. The part of IDVI which prepares documents for presentation on the web requires a unix environment, sin

    Headcount :: Download Source Code
    Headcount is a tiny little Java applet that tells you exactly how many people (with Java enabled browsers) are currently looking at the web page.

    Greetings Applet :: Download Source Code
    A very simple, yet popular applet, displays a personalized greetings message to your visitors. Enhanced to calculate optimum font size, and configurable colors.

    Guestbook II :: Download Source Code
    A Java applet that simulates a real guestbook by sending email to the owner through the SMTP daemon on the web server. Extensively documented source code.

    JHLMailForm :: Download Source Code
    This applet simulates an html FORM, but instead of requiring a server based cgi-bin script, the applet sends the compiled form as email to the recipient. The MailForm scripting language is similar to the FORM syntax, allowing non-programmers to create their own forms. In addition, all text messages are specified as applet parameters, allowing non-English forms to be created, without having to change the binary code. A series of examples are included in the tutorial documentation. Use the demo form t

    Avtive Pie Chart :: Download Source Code
    An active pie chart applet that lets you hyperlink based on the pie piece selected. Data, legend information, chart size, titles, colors, background textures, and hyperlinks are all configurable through applet parameters.

    tImage :: Download Source Code
    Mirror: tImage V 1.00 : - Display many gif images - Special Effects - FreeWare...

    screenSizer :: Download Source Code
    A perky little number that solves the problem of pages that are designed for one size screen looking bad on a smaller or larger screen. The applet identifies the screen resolution and then fetches the specific html page that is designed to look good at that screen size.

    LastUpdate :: Download Source Code
    This is a Java Applet that allows you to have it automatically display when the site was last modified. It allows you to get the last updated page on your site by addiit to the parameter list. A simple, but very useful Applet for Web Designers.

    The Info Window :: Download Source Code
    For IE 4.0 only! A simulated Win95 application window created with Dynamic HTML, ActiveX, VBScript. Features include a fully functional Dynamic HTML taskbar, complete with Start button and working clock, and an app-style button menu interface. Also included is the full-featured MIDI Jukebox. Check it out!

    The S.P. Brander Cyber Page :: Download Source Code
    The Personal Home Page of Stephen P. Brander

    ColorServe Java :: Download Source Code
    Use color wheel to change background, text, link, visited link, and active link colors. A sample document with your colors is updated realtime. Easily cut and paste the HTML tag into your HTML documents.

    Running Gauge :: Download Source Code
    A continuously updating gauge applet that will display values retrieved from a data source (like a simple cgi). Includes an optional "Warning" level and full optional parm control over title, size, min, max, speed and all colors. An example data source cgi is included at the main URL.

    Mikeraser :: Download Source Code
    Mikeraser is an applet with which you can discover a picture erasing another picture using your mouse like an eraser. The two pictures must have the same widht and height. You can decide in HTML file three parameters: the names of the two pictures and the eraser's width.

    JTextMenu :: Download Source Code
    This is a text menu based on the menu found at My version is significantly easier to implement and requires far fewer parameters.

    Chris Cobb's 'Obligatory' Moon Phase Applet :: Download Source Code
    This applet continues in the tradition of my other 'obligatory' Java applets. I call this one my 'obligatory' moon phase applet because I felt obliged to write and publish it!. Contains lots of 'cool' functionality, including showing an image of the Moon's phase and displaying many Moon-related facts. It's freeware, too, so you can't beat the price.

    Fnerd pop-up navigational menu :: Download Source Code
    This applet displays up to 20 links in a vertical menu bar. When a user rolls the mouse over one of the links, a pop-up window appears defining the link. The applet is all text-based and can only be edited from within the source (no parameters). This makes this applet especially useful for large sites with many pages. When a link needs to be updated, one can just change the applet source within editing each page. (Kind of like a Java Server-side Includes).

    Equation Editor :: Download Source Code
    This is an equation editor written in Java. The applet allows you to view equations in your HTML. A java application is used to create the equation visually with point and click ease similar to the Word equation editor. No need to write any equation by hand in Tex etc.

    FileList.class :: Download Source Code
    FileList.class is a Servlet that will return a hyperlinked html document of files in a specified directory.

    Javascript and Cookies :: Download Source Code
    Simple cut and paste code to let your visitor chose a background. The code uses a cookie to store the choice for use on future visits by that user. Beginners should be able to understand and use the code easily.

    Java Hierarchy Explorer :: Download Source Code
    View the Java class hierarchy in an explorer type environment. The Java classes are viewed in the left window as folders in a folder tree, opening a class folder reveals all the classes that extends it. The right window gives a brief description of the class plus shows its variables, constructors, and methods. Also links to Suns JavaSoft web site for more detailed class information. (roadmap.class) :: Download Source Code
    This is a convenient navigational menu bar for websites. It reads a sites layout info. from a data file and turns it into a small menubar. The Applet is seen in action in the top frame of the URL (The button KALPTARU at the top left)

    WPP The Web Preprocessor :: Download Source Code
    WPP is a simple perl5 script that allows you to preprocess html files. It allows you to define "variables", which are brief abbreviations for longer constructs, and include common html fragments. It's useful for giving an uniform layout to different html pages. It can be used into cgi-bin programs for automatic generation of pages. With less html code inside you can make more flexible cgi-scripts. WPP provides three separate facilities that you can use as you see fit: * Inclusion of templates.

    Site Menu :: Download Source Code
    The menu to navigate on the website. Neat. Extremely customizable.

    DdGJump :: Download Source Code
    Every had problems finding out if a browser could do Java and if it was enabled. This Applet finds out and jump to a new page if the browser can handle it. A simple help and a must for every homepage/ internet site.

    Jetty :: Download Source Code
    HTTP Server supporting javax.servlet API plus more. HTML generation JDBC wrappers Debugging and logging support

    PHP :: Download Source Code
    A powerful perl-like server-side scripting language for Apache and IIS web servers with features like database access, SNMP, IMAP, file streaming and more.

    Guardian :: Download Source Code
    Guardian is a applet designed to prevent access of web sites to unauthorized individuals. Users are required to enter a site password to get to a URL specified in the program. While this isn't the most secure method of protecting a web site, it has its applications. To use this applet, you will have to modify the variable theURLText and thePassword, then recompile the source. Place the applet on your front end, "Guarding" page.

    ImgChange :: Download Source Code
    This is a VERY simple applet that is a workaround for IE's incompatibility with the the popular JavaScript that changes images on mouseOver.

    LinkVerify :: Download Source Code
    Fast and easy to use Link Verifier. Checks an entire web site or a subdir for broken links. Supports AFAIK all Html-Tags and style sheets. Checks for correct frame nameing too. Uses a multi-threaded spider. Written entirely in Java. Requires JDK1.1

    Layer Targeting :: Download Source Code
    Cross-browser solution to make Internet Explorer IFrames and Netscape Navigator Layers work alike. This technique allows the target attribute on a page with layers to update individual layers instead of only entire documents, and adds autosizing functionality to IFrames.

    ColorHex :: Download Source Code
    This color choosing applet displays three bars in a hexagon representing the three axes of the color cube passing through the chosen color. Moving the mouse changes the current color, clicking chooses that color. Any of the 16 million possible colors can be chosen with a single mouse click. The RGB hex value for the chosen color is shown in the bottom left corner below the big hexagon. The applet can be used to simultaneously coordinate the background, text, and various link colors for a web page.

    MicroColor :: Download Source Code
    This is a small "label" tool that I made to bring simple attention to a site... Soft/MicroColor.html

    siteViewer :: Download Source Code
    A multi-layered interactive Web site display / navigation aid. Allows Web sites to be displayed in a truly hierarchical manner, with sub-layer opening and closing synonymous to folders. Utilises a single file for item images and is driven by a sigle data file. The presentation of the Web site need bear no resemblance to its actual structure as the data file maps each displayed item to a URL. The viewer sub-classes are not applet specific and can be included into applets or applications using either JDK1.02

    SGViewer :: Download Source Code
    The latest version of SGViewer. This tool reads SGF Metadata and displays an interactive site map. User can explore this site using a hierarchy and a network. The source code is now available. There is also a tool to automatically generate SGF metadata for sites authored with MS FrontPage.

    HTMLList :: Download Source Code
    A Java Servelet that will display a specified HTML document with a header and a footer. Source Code Avaliable.

    BrowserCheck :: Download Source Code
    A simple, yet useful JavaScript that forwards website viewers to your desired page only if they are using the desired browser. Viewers using other browsers are directed to another page that alerts them to the fact that they are not using the desired browser. Fully customizable.

    RandomImage2 :: Download Source Code
    The new and improved version the RandomImage script. This script allows each image in the array to be associated with a URL, making the images links. Also, the graphics in the array can be of various sizes and no placeholder graphic is needed. This is the perfect script for random banner ad generation. Very easy to use and customize!

    RandomImage :: Download Source Code
    This script generates a random image on a designated page when the page loads. It randomly selects the image from an array (list) of graphic files that you predesignate. This script works quickly and is very easy to use and customize. It is a good choice for webmasters who want to generate random images on their pages, but don't know or don't want to use CGI scripts.

    Watcher :: Download Source Code
    Applet with eyes that move when clicked and dragged. Customisable, so any picture of a face can be used. Free - and easy to add to web pages. Full instructions supplied with download. Examples include the Owl Watcher - which is a hoot. While you're there try the Partickles game, which has been described as: "Java being used to its fullest extent"!

    Objirc Chat :: Download Source Code
    Objirc Chat is one of the newest and most popular IRC clients. Its many easy to use features include: º Completely reworked user interface with new icons, full IRC color, and changeable look-and-feels (New!) º Easy to use º Notify lists (New!) º A Favorites folder to bookmark favorite rooms, friends and servers (New!) º A Start-up folder so you can auto-join your favorite rooms each time you connect (New!) º Daily headline news feed ticker in the status bar (New!) º book recommendations

    Slurp :: Download Source Code
    Slurp is an offline browser which allows you to get web sites like wget. It has a swing interface .. Try and Enjoy it :)

    RabbIT :: Download Source Code
    RabbIT is a web proxy intended to speed up surfing over slow links. It achives this by removing advertising, removing background images and compress images to low quality jpegs that are much smaller.

    DocMan :: Download Source Code
    DocMan is a "plug and play" Document Management system. It's written in 100% Pure Java, so it can run anywhere. Just drop the class files into a servlet-enabled directory. What does it do? It allows a user(s) to control access to content. It allows for delegation of authority. A user can setup another user to manage a domain (folder). CSPostcard :: Download Source Code
    A Java servlet electronic postcard system. CSMailForm :: Download Source Code
    A Java servlet that sends form submissions through email.

    Javascript Treeview :: Download Source Code
    This is a javascript treeview widget. It works in ie4+ and netscape 3+.

    Password :: Download Source Code
    This is an applet that you can use to have a part of your homepage hidden. Visitors are required to enter a password to get to the hidden part of the homepage. For members area or similar.

    Servlet tool set :: Download Source Code
    Set of servlets used on my Intranet server : update, links tool and confidence statistics.

    Simple Navigation Bar :: Download Source Code
    Simple Menu Bar customisable. url1 is for first frame url2 is for the second frame These are called "title" and "AddictionS" Combine this applet with a 3 frames page: menu -where you put the java bar; title with the title of thpage and main - with the content.

    Text, Clock, Animation :: Download Source Code
    This site is open the some Java applets,program source,and how to write to HTML. These applets are basicaliy free.But you must not use them for profit and for open to the other.

    Keiji Aiki :: Download Source Code
    On this site,open the some applets,program source,and write to HTML. For example,clock,text,scroll text,animation...! These applets and programs are basically free.If you use an applet, you must not for profit and not open the other.You may use study for Java or use on your web site

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